Caring Across Generations is a non-profit organization, dedicated to transforming cultural norms and narratives about aging, disability, and care; they “win federal and state-level policies; and build power amongst the people touched by care.”
OrangeYouGlad has worked with Caring Across Generations since 2015 to provide the visuals that help bring their mission to their audience. Our relationship first began with promoting Ai-Jen Poo’s book “The Age of Dignity” and we’ve been collaborating to lift and create engagement around care stories and advocacy ever since.

In 2022, we worked to draft a set of brand guidelines that builds a stronger foundation for maintaining consistency across their communications. This work included refreshed colors, typography, pattern exploration and solid visual language that highlights multiple areas of care.

The work Caring Across does often expands to outreach events and campaigns. CareFest is their multi-day conference bringing together leaders in entertainment, philanthropy, business, and government to vision a future of care. We used this opportunity to expand on the branding and create a unique event specific visual style that emphasizes connections and the care community.

Grandparent’s Day Postcard Campaign
OrangeYouGlad helped to design and develop a dynamic website that allowed users to upload photos of their grandparents, that would then be sent as real life postcards back to the users AND to their local NY State representatives. This online-meets-offline advocacy campaign brought personal stories of care directly to law-makers.

For Mother’s Day, Caring Across came to us to create gifs for their #CareCantWait initiative.

Creative Care Council
Culture change is a significant area of focus for Caring Across and this work can elevate and explore care stories in the media, making them accessible and tangible for all Americans. OrangeYouGlad created a tandem visual system for the promotion of the Creative Care Council. This motif emphasized vibrancy and the robust and diverse nature of care stories through collage.

Ai-Jen's Book Tour
Ai-Jen Poo’s Caring Across America book tour promoted her book Age of Dignity, but more importantly, helped to open up the care conversation for both families and caregivers. The tour needed a distinct brand identity and marketing materials that were both serious and inviting in tone. OrangeYouGlad designed the logo, responsive website, bookmarks, mailers, social media posts, and even a tablecloth stitched by one of our moms*. *Thanks, Mama Schoch!

Universal Family Care Website
“Who will need care? Everyone.” Universal Family Care is a public care insurance fund that would make care available and accessible to everyone. 1 in 3 in America are in active care giver relationships, a number which will grow. But our national infrastructure for supporting care simply does not exist at the capacity in which it is needed. OrangeYouGlad worked with Caring Across Generations to design and build the Universal Family Care Microsite - which helps to educate users on the importance and value of such a proactive approach to supporting care in the United States.